Helminc.com Service and Owner Information
Helminc.com eNewsletter Archive > 2007 eNewsletters > February Issue

This Issue:

- North American International Auto Show
- Factory Authorized Service Information Available Online!
- Shop Owners: Save Time, Bring Your Customers Back

North American International Auto Show
The 2007 automotive sales year opened with the shine, style and fanfare that consumers have come to expect from the North American International Auto Show. This year marked the entry of some new players in the market and an increase in alternative fuel vehicle offerings. Read more in the full article.

Factory Authorized Service Information Available Online!
Online service information is an alternative for our customers who are looking for cost effective auto repair information – but still want it direct from the manufacturer and delivered by the name you've come to trust – Helm.

Factory Authorized information is 100% complete and more accurate when compared to the rewritten competitors. This means more accurate repairs.

Online subscriptions include Labor Guides, Maintenance Schedules, Technical Service Bulletins, Workshop Information, Wiring Information and Body Collision Repair Manuals direct from Ford Motor Company, for your car, truck, or SUV. This is the only service information resource you will need!  Subscribe today at www.helminc.com.

Value of Factory Authorized Online Service Information

  • Factory Authorized Service Information is more complete and accurate than any other product available on the market today!
  • Timely and affordable access to updated and complete service information.
Click on the logos below for more information:


Shop Owners: Save Time, Bring Your Customers Back
Tailor an offer or promotion to your customer as you see fit. Put it in a place that is within their view every day: their windshield. Start using a service reminder sticker printer to give your shop the best chance for winning repeat business!

Customizable. Service dates, service intervals, mileage, or any other relevant information can be custom printed to make a professional, easy-to-read sticker without the need for handwriting.

Flexibility. Choose the message you want, and change it up as you see fit! You are not constrained by a single message that was pre-printed on thousands of stickers.

Offer Promotions. Provide an added incentive for customers to be loyal to your shop. Use the flexibility of custom messages to include a coupon or special promotion for your customer's next service.


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